Thursday, July 28, 2011

Pig Stand--oil, 10x8"

My parents met in 1934 at another Pig Stand in San Antonio. He was a cook and she was a car hop.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Step 3

Step 2 looked almost identical to step 1. I just put a few more darks in.
This is after the first live painting session. I feel rusty, out of practice, which I am. When I think about how many hours a serious piano student practices per week, or violinist, even as a child (or consider a professional athlete), well no wonder I feel this way and have many missteps.
I can correct some things working from my photograph, and I hope to have another session with the model. It would be best if I didn't use the photo this time, tho. Painting from life always yields better results, if you can get time with the same model and the same pose. This represents 2+ hours.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Storefronts--oil, 9x20"

Another small town scene. Someone went to some trouble to fix this building up, though some of the shops are unoccupied.

Friday, July 08, 2011

Step 1--oil, 24x18"

I've toned the canvas ultramarine blue and drawn and blocked in the shadows, working from my photograph. I don't want to go very far until I get the model in front of me. It's going to be almost a portrait, but in the pose I have tried to find an interesting look or angle.

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Exposed Wall--pastel, 5.5x12"

I couldn't think of a better title. Done mostly en plein air (on site). The building to the left of the doors seems to be all boarded up. I sat across the street on a sidewalk that rarely gets any foot traffic. It looks like a beautiful old survivor that is in good condition. Maybe someone will turn it into something. An ice cream parlor sounds good today.

Color study 2 - added some color. This is 6x4".
Beginning of a small color study for a figure/portrait painting I am starting. This will be done or at least started before the previous one while I have the model available.

Monday, July 04, 2011

Color Study - I don't have a title for this painting yet, this is a small color sketch. I decided not to do it so big, I'm preparing a birch panel that is 9x20"

Saturday, July 02, 2011

I'm going to be painting these storefronts from this photo and another. I had this brilliant idea to post sketches, ideas, and progress on paintings as I work on them. (Duh! Other artists have been doing this for a long time!)
This is going to be a large painting, and of course it will remind you of Hopper's "Early Sunday Morning" painting. My challenge will be to make it not look like a Hopper (probably no problem there) and not look like just a copy of the photograph. I am interested in pattern, color, and light/shadow, so we'll see if I can emphasize those things.